Oh Edward Cullen Mine, Can We Start with Forever ?

Himzz Twilight

Blissfully aware of the dark side,
Of your moon, my love,
I am falling deep,
Deep in the steep valleys of your love..

Blissfully aware of the venom,
Which can sap the life away,
From my fragile human soul..

I want to lose myself into you,
To find the true shades of red..

Oh Cullen mine, bite my neck,
Sweeping my feet from the earth,
Transport me on your magic carpet..

Take me to your planet,
Take me to your woods and hills,
Making me a stranger to this world..

Make me yours, for a time infinite,
A time, galaxies fail to define,
Oh Edward mine, can we start with forever ?

In my previous posts “Dragon Ball Z”, I wrote about my love for Edward Cullen saying : “I hate  mosquitoes biting me. (Although I wouldn’t mind a vampire like Edward Cullen biting my neck 😉 )”. And my wonderful friend Upen, prompted me to write a poem for Cullen ❤

So this goes to Edward Cullen, Bella, their immortal love beyond all worldly barriers, Twilight & Stephenie Meyer !! I hope to meet “My Cullen” soon.. ❤ 😉


74 thoughts on “Oh Edward Cullen Mine, Can We Start with Forever ?

  1. This made me smile because I am out-of-touch enough not to know who Edward Cullen is. lol But once I looked him up, and read the poem I found it awesome. I hope you get your wish and your Edward Cullen comes along soon. Cheers =)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So fast:D. aww.. hima this one is so sweet<3. Wish cullens reads your lovely poem.;).

    Buddy try to see that your poem reaches Edward cullen;) i.e twitter and other social apps:)


    Liked by 1 person

  3. Awesome post. I love the saga. People who criticize it somehow forget that it was the first one of its kind, and after it’s release hundreds (if not thousands) vampire novels flooded the market, and very little of them had the same good quality. Good luck with the Mr Right 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, love ❤
      I’m so glad to have met someone who shares the same level of love for this brilliant love saga.. yeah, it was unconventional, but touched the strings of the soul. I loved it when Bella ‘ s friend (I am unable to recall his name now 😦 ) joins in to save their life in spite of their rivalry with the vampires. True love and friendship potrayed 🙂
      Thanks a lot for you wish again 😊😇

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Haha! i kid you not too..
    i was just looking for the
    wRite SonG as hurts so bad..
    and you provide this SonG mY
    Dear Friend HImali.. all the way
    from the Emirates of Arabia..
    to prompt my soUl.. noW..
    not on purpose of course..
    but as you Harry Potter
    kNow.. LIFe iS MaGiC
    when lived that
    way in yes..
    AngEL noW
    iN blood of
    moon and
    niGht oF
    Day..a TwiLIght
    of a thouSand years
    and more to wait NoW..
    a Love that WiLL never
    end or begin and aLways
    bE NoW iS onE that Hurts
    so good in all the dARk and
    liGht thaT LiFe iS noW to Offer
    Frozen and red HOT!..
    in the bLack..
    white.. and
    InFiNite sHades
    of color and hues
    of grey.. that liGht
    our lives so full
    of Wonder
    Lust for
    aLL that
    seeks to
    liVe and thriVe
    aS iN LoVinG tOuch oF LiFe..
    the path to Heaven is paved
    with hell.. the path to Hell is
    paved with heaven.. the Yellow
    Brick Road is red rum too..
    the Shining can be
    Play2 when
    Jack AND Jill
    pLay miraculously
    StiLL toGeThER FoReVer
    in DreAm oF now.. and as
    they say.. iF one has
    Steak and
    Ice creAm
    aLL tHerE LiFe..
    and becomeS boRed
    aLL wiTh the same old
    Old Phrases oF liFe
    iN World and Words
    noW.. tHeRe IS A neverLand..
    a pLace inside.. wHere delicious
    fantasY alWays tastes great.. so yes..
    dear.. you are a pARt oF mY story noW2..
    And yes.. my dear.. tHeir iS a SonG oF SouL
    For this by A Lady named Christina Perri that
    pure and
    Rock by definition
    of Name no different
    than Katy Perry and
    her Fire Work too..
    A thouSand years
    mY FriEnd.. a thouSAnd
    CAndLeS a Love tHat
    Never ends and that
    iS what the letter
    and words
    FRiEnD mean
    to mE and yoU
    alWays have
    A Friend
    iN Fred.. yESnoW
    After aLL the glitz
    and glamour.. sweaty
    empasSioNeD embRAceS
    iN heiGhts of PleAsure are
    oVer iT is the Friend that lasts
    iN aLL oF uS trUe as Brothers and Sisters..
    and on toP of thAT.. tHeRe is already enough
    humans in the world.. to skip the other part.. WiTh SMiLes..
    be.. noW..
    and sorry iF ever
    you visit me.. i do not
    bite FriEnds.. i
    just nibble
    on them
    Witty Banter..
    And yes it’s true my friend..
    as the story of Katrina and i
    forever now does tale too.. back
    when she was Isis and i am Osiris..
    we are more like Brothers and Sisters noWstiLLnoW..;)


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