Wordless Wednesdays : Butterflies <3


We are all butterflies of the almighty. We start off as caterpillars. Unaware of our potentials ! Not knowing of the beautiful wings that are yet to unfold. And then, slowly and gradually, we morph; into beautiful, colorful and graceful butterflies, spreading love and happiness wherever they sit, even for a moment. The world is mesmerized by our beauty and delicacy while we are ignorant to ourselves unless we encounter a mirror. We ought to love ourselves, for each of us are unique in our own ways. A color combination so natural and vivid that even the petals of the scented flowers and the human eyes love to savor their beauty and charisma.

Fall in love, with the person you see in the mirror. Be the person, you’d love to treasure. Be YOU.

89 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesdays : Butterflies <3

  1. Very true Himali
    We have to love ourselves in order to care for the ones we love
    My problem in life is that I take care of my children and forget myself totally
    Thanks sweet Himali:-)

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hello Soheir, thank you for your comment and apologies for the delayed reply. I think you truly love your children unconditionally and selflessly. That is a truly beautiful bond to cherish. But amidst this, Never forget to love yourself. I believe that unless we love ourselves, we aren’t able to love others fully. Take care of your self and pamper yourself at times 😊 I yell this thing to my mum a lot of times.

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  2. What a beautiful word of encouragement Himali. And I loooovvvvveeee that you shared another one of your wonderful pieces of artwork. Watercolours, right?
    Hope you’re having a great week sweetie.
    🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Stacey ! Thank you so very much for your encouragement 😊 You know I had left my art work some time back. It was when I interacted the first time with you on your blog that I felt inspired thay very moment and I made a quick painting ( the monsoon painting). Every time I sit with my crayons and paints, I remember you and your beautiful mixed media art. This painting is done using watercolors. I love the ease and simplicity of them. I recently purchased a new set of artist grade watercolors. They are fantastic, however I am missing some of my favourite shades :/ I guess I’ll have to mix and make my own shades when I paint 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh goodness.. an unexpected prize.. another post in one day..
    smiles.. and my cat Yellow Boy teaches me if one
    grooms their self well in mind and body
    balance expressing that
    heArt in emotion
    of purr a soul
    will be balanced
    and one will receive
    so many pets.. that
    after a while one will
    be overcome by the
    Candy of Love
    and then one
    will for now
    for NOW
    in tHeir
    but anYway..
    your lesson heRe
    is certainly the one
    i will hope for a son
    or daughter if i have one..

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow.. Himali.. Painting is awesome.. Great.. And well said.. Yes, we are unaware of the capabilities we have.. We underestimate ourselves.. Only in toughest situations we can evolve into something greater, I learnt this from POKEMON. 😉 I have never seen such a colorful butterfly.. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Did you paint the butterfly? I just loved it. The way different colors are merging inside each other giving it such an amazing texture.

    You are an awesome writer that I knew, but such a brilliant painter too? 😉 Multi talented girl 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Preeti, I did paint the butterfly. Painting relaxes me and I love to hold the brush and let me heart take over. The texture is so flawless since it is done using watercolors. They blend in seamlessly. You can also try them. They’re so easy and fun to play with. Thank you for your encouragement, however I am not really great as a painter but I try to improve upon my skills with YouTube tutorials 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I am so honored that you saw my post on Ameena’s page and I was able to connect to your page. I have read only 3 posts and I am extremely inspired. Thank you for that. I’m sure I will be sitting on my couch today reading your posts and writing some of my own. I can’t wait to be able to reach out to a magnitude of people the way you and Ameena has. Again Thank you!


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