60 thoughts on “Embark on a Quest !

  1. Yes.. my friend Himali.. Yes..! every now i wander on a quest for now.. forget the past and do not expect the future.. only LOVE where my heart tales me.. and my spirit inspires to go on floating soul not weighted by past regrets or future desires…

    And when i am three.. oh nO!.. the trailer is much too small.. i cannot speak yet.. but i see a way across the street and start to run when mama takes her eye off me for just one second.. and next thing ya now.. a disgruntled driver stops and takes me back to mama.. with disgusted eyes.. and then OH NO! again..! i am NOW then tied to mama’s aprons until school.. and then school ties me to a desk along with work at age 16.. and then YES..YES…YEs..!

    FinAlly.. at age 21.. after sitting in class and cleaning up buildings solo as a Janitor since i’m 16.. on a rat wheel of confinement.. until i can no longer even connect to find new friends.. the WANDER LUST speaks in spiRit from my heArt once again.. and my soUl starts to balance and GROW AGAIN!.. and IT draws me to the beach.. and i just start walking that early September day of 1981.. and i feel the connections of my ancestors and the people i respect so much from stories of all religions i hear AND FEEL.. and i keep repeating to my self i need nothing.. i want nothing.. i just am.. i am moving.. i am feeling babies cry in mothers arms.. i am seeing FEELING smiles of other beach combers too.. the breeze feels so good on skin.. the salt air splashes fresh on face.. the waves and diamond white sand.. swaying sea oats.. become me.. and i am BEACH ONE human with the rest of ALL of IT.. IT is now.. and NOW IS ALL that counts.. and i keep moving.. connecting and creating a new path for me…

    And i take a three month break from school.. and work.. and go amazing places just INSPIRING from my intuitive feelings and senses and i enjoy it so much.. until one day the reality of the world and culture comes again.. i go back to school.. have no idea what i wanna do.. and that is good.. because what comes next after three college degrees.. is totally unexpected.. and NOT planned.. working in a Military Bowling Center for almost two decades.. then.. Community Activities Director.. and finally Athletic Director of a Military Installation.. and although the environment does not change.. much..

    i come to connect to nearly 100 thousand people during those years.. and by GOD each of those humans is another Universe to explore.. so i am thrilled to be alive.. NOW!.. UNTIL the end when computers come and trap me behind a desk.. for five years.. and THAT almost kills me.. but i escape from that illness after 66 more months.. and at the end of July of 2013.. wander LUST COMES AGAIN..! AND I FOLLOW LUST TO WANDER.. starting at the beach AGAIN!.. and now my destination is always wonderLUST now.. life is wonder.. life is amazing.. and the quest to really live in moving connecting and creating is the gift of me always now..

    And ha! i just tale you the story of my life.. in 6 paragraphs.. YOU my friend are so inspiring.. i lust to hear your wise words every time i come hear.. Lust for LIFE now.. always Now! LUST LIFE HARD! AND NEVER STOP! NOW1!..:)

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  2. I feel like this: Whatever is in your path and in your heart, you need to do.
    Destination is the path to sucess .presistence the vehicle you arrive in.

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