Himali Shah


I am an Indian CPA by profession, presently working with a Fortune 500 organisation. I have been a Gold Medalist and National Level rank holder in my academic career. I love spending time with children and volunteer for an NGO in weekends. I have creative interests and hobbies like painting, sketching, quilling, calligraphy, crafting and card making besides reading fiction and non-fiction novels. I love beaches and the woods, sunrise and the sunset, starry nights and rainy evenings and nature; in all its varied shades.

Apart from being a voracious reader, I love to pen down emotions I witness and experience. I am a strong believer in the power of expression and love. To give wings to my creative passion, I started my blog Decoding Happ’y’ness. Blogging gives me inner joy and solace as it enables me to connect with people, make friends across borders, share my experiences and learn from my fellow blogger pals.

According to me the pursuit of happiness is a journey and not a destination; it ends with a satisfied smile on your lips and sound sleep at night. I dream to reach out to the world with my words and actions.

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” - Walt Disney
“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”   – Walt Disney

55 thoughts on “Himali Shah

  1. Wealth without work.
    Pleasure without conscience.
    Knowledge without character.
    Commerce without morality.
    Science without humanity.
    Worship without sacrifice.
    Politics without principle
    “No exixtence of decodding happYness without “Himali Shah”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love the Walt Disney quote you signed off with. it only adds so much depth to your words. I just arrived here so look forward to reading more from you. Wonderful about me for sure.

    Ps. You look beautiful. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hey Himali,

    I popped by to thank you for readership of both Thread, Tread and Weave and my latest scrawl, Ranger. Thank you 🙂

    It also gives me chance to enjoy your Blog and read a little of your poetry, which presents a very gentle and compassionate side to your nature. Thank you for sharing as you do that aspect of who you are. Congratulations also on your academic achievements discussed in your About. I hope you feel suitably proud and inspired further should that be your choice. The many varied artistic and creative interests you pursue are a testament to your sharp, keen and enquiring mind and a passionate indulgence to enjoy by yourself 🙂 Good luck and best wishes with all future endeavours.

    Your About photograph left a smile so I leave a quick line. Thank you for pausing me in my cloud-riddled wander across WP.

    Were you here when I last walked this way?
    It was only yesterday.
    When I stumbling, purposefully
    Lost and glumly wandering
    Sought solitude and peace
    To avail myself of some prevalent malaise.
    I thought you were here yesterday.
    I looked for you.
    Amongst the crowds,
    Hoping I saw you again,
    alone upon the sand,
    where my eye might linger
    my pupil widen and shine
    like a rainbow after showers,
    and I,
    Carried to an ancient land
    To a time before time long ago,
    When I stood here.
    Halted then as now in my stride.
    Tied to the one same vision
    Of you
    Calm knelt upon the shore
    Pottering by hand
    Shifting sand,
    my melancholy,

    Namaste 🙂

    Indeed…“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them” – ‘…and a star to wish upon and always guide us on our way.’

    Hoping you are enjoying a wonderful weekend. Take care of one and all in your life in all ways always.

    Namaste 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

    • Namasthe Dear DN,

      I would like to welcome you to Decoding Happyness 🙂 Thank you so much for stopping by and writing to me. I love the poem you wrote and I must say that you are a wonderful poet & writer. Thank you for your kind words on my academic career & my blogs. Your comment has truly made my day special !

      Thanks a million, Smiles 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Namaste Himali,

        Tis my pleasure, thank you for decoding my melancholy and recoding my happiness 🙂 You’ve a charming Blog Himali and a wonderful gentleness of presence about you, thank you.

        Thank you also for your smile 🙂 I am so pleased you enjoyed the poem.

        Thanks a billion, Happiness 😀

        Namaste 🙂


        Liked by 1 person

          • Hey Himali,

            As was my day also a pleasure and one lost in both haze and happiness when I should have been training. Ah well, there is always tomorrow for work lol 🙂

            I always take the perspective that people meet for all sorts of reasons but always because it is intended. The reason may not be known but always all becomes clear in the fullness of time, or in the light of day.

            Love and Peace. Yes that sounds a very good sentiment to me, perhaps even a revitalised daily mantra for the World. Wishing you a wonderful new day.

            Namaste 🙂


            Liked by 1 person

  4. My dear Lady Himali, Namaste 🙂

    I cannot leave or go away, my eye forever cast your way
    You were here Himali on that long ago day,
    When I far from home, upon your shore,
    Fell free-falling for you like never before,
    A Blessed Angel from heaven, I felt quite sure
    Only a Goddess would be so radiant with grace!
    And this before I saw your face! O dimpled smile!
    O wide almond eyes: how they shine divine!
    Bewitch my heart, your stare a dare to beguile!
    I’m lost in you already, mesmerised by the Beauty I see,
    You are a vision of loveliness, you are Harmony for all to see.
    There is never another like you, my Rosewood Himali

    Sweet dreams Ice Queen. See you in the Land of Zzzzzz

    God Bless. Namaste 🙂



  5. Well, My Dear! I loved your about statement! You hit so many shared chords in my soul!

    It seems you too are a hopeless romantic? Maybe? From the geographic things you love and enjoy it sounds like you should come and visit the State of California in the U.S. – the redwoods, Lake Tahoe, the beaches of Southern California – La Jolla, the sierras, San Francisco and Napa Valley! I think you would fall in love!

    Since you love art I think you might enjoy the book “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain” check out the reviews on Amazon. It is an amazing book and really was a blessing to me.

    And on writing, if you have an interest, in writing poetry – “Poemcrazy”. This was a goldmine for me – again – check out the reviews on Amazon.

    Since you love so many creative things I was surprised you did not mention music? You might want to consider learning piano – not as hard as they make it seem – the following book is a good one for even those who know nothing about piano or music – “How to Play The Piano Despite Years Of Lessons”. Again, check the reviews on Amazon.

    I am like you in that I love meeting fellow bloggers from all over the world and making new friends – like you!!!

    Check out my friend Stephen’s post on the Go Dog Go Cafe site – Yellow Butterfly and be sure to watch the youtube embed. I think you will really like it. It is about Happiness!

    Life is too short to be anything but Happy!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wow, you’ve won me over with your brilliant recommendations. California is on my list when I visit the US and so is learning the piano. I have always been so mug attracted to the piano but I’ve been told it takes at least 7 to 8 years to learn decently. Hence I never tried :/ I will check the book you recommended.

      Thank you again 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • So, glad you are willing to give California a chance to win your heart. I have no doubt it will if you search out its secrets. Many books can tell you about the best places and I am happy to assist as well.

        Yes, traditional piano instruction does take a long time, but the really great news is that you can learn to play chord piano in a much shorter time 1-2 years of playing the popular songs you love. The book I recommended is a great place to start. They say if you can hum a tune you can play the piano. The problem with most instruction is that they want you to learn the formalized way of the past. You will enjoy that book.

        I hope you will check out “Poemcrazy” also. It did wonders for me.

        Blessings My Dear and thank you so much for your kind words.


  6. My Dear Himali, Just today I read what You have written about Yourself in the Sidebar. Went to Your ‘About,’ and like what I see. Kudos on Your Achievements, Interests and Efforts. Success and Happiness are Sure to be Yours! Love. 🙂


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